Tuesday, December 8, 2020

What Do You Know About class trip?

On December 2, Te Maunga went on a class trip to Kerikeri. On the trip we went to Parrot Place first then we went to park to eat lunch next we went to the Cinema. Merry Christmas.  

Friday, December 4, 2020


     Check out this great measurement work

This term we did some math about measurements. My favourite activity was breaking bags. We need to put 500g bottles into the bag and we need to count how many kg of things we can be put in this bag.  I learned  lots of units like CM, MM, KM, G, KG, ML,  L.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Check Out This Great class trip work!

 In Te Maunga this week we had a visit from the Northland Science Roadshow. We have done rockets, spectroscopy, and water testing.  The testing water  is about you got a small bottle of water and you put different things on there. In water testing I learned if the water is yellow or red you can't drink.  In rocket I learned if you put water in a bottle and put lots of air in there it will fly so far.  In spectroscopy I learned in different ways you can see different things.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Check Out This Great Cricket work!


This term we did cricket. I learned how to hold the bat. In cricket we need to use the bat  to bat the ball away and if the ball doesn't  bounce on the ground and if someone  just catches you will be out

Monday, November 2, 2020

Check Out This Great peotry work!

Last week we did poetry. In Poetry we read books then we write some language into squares. I know “Alliteration” is a sentence that starts with the same sound, like “Henry’s huge house.” I learned how to write good poems. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Check Out This Great Cross country work!

On September 25, Paihia School did Cross Country. First we ran around the field. Next we jumped over the gate, then we  ran to the hill and came back. There were sausage rolls and  juice and baking. I felt so tired.

Friday, October 16, 2020


 Last term we did geometry. We did four activities, my favourite activities were about constructions. My group made a huge cube but we didn’t finish because we didn't have enough time.


  In the last term we did films. My group did the film“In the beginning.” For the puppets we made some Maori Gods. Tane and Tangaroa and Tu and Rongo and Tawhirimatea and Haumia. I learned that we need lots of time to do one thing properly.

The movies we did

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Treasure Hunt

 Last week we were doing the Treasure Hunt.  On the Treasure Hunt we try to find the card so we can have prizes ,the prizes were $5, a ball and ice cream. We were raising money for Sam Godsiff-Johnson and the charity I Am Hope.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


In these terms we did pepeha and greeting.  In pepeha and greetings we learned lots of Maori words and we learned  how to say hi ,goodbye and how are you to 1-3 and more people.


 Last term we made dioramas. In dioramas we used a box, dinosaur toys, volcano rocks, sticks and grass. In my group we made a plan for our dioramas. Then we made some tiny trees to glue to the boxes.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Math week

 In this term at Te Maunga we learned about m

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aths. In math we did some problems, my favourite problem was about a big square that had 9 little squares. In the middle square there was a number and each line needs to equal the middle number.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Math DLO

 In Te Maunga this term we did math DLO. In math DLO I found if we roll 2 dice and add it we get 7, we all got 7 because there are 3 ways to add 7.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kawa of care

Last week we did the Kawa of care . In kawa of care we learned we can't put our chromebook on the floor and you can’t put your email in the public apps. I also learned we can’t put our photos on public apps. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Last week we made soundscapes. In soundscape I learned the erhu is from China. In my soundscape group we put water into the bucket. That is how I made swimming sounds

Monday, June 22, 2020


Last week we made a collage. Our collage was about the mountain. We did collage because our class name is Te Maunga. First we used magazines and then we cut out some colourful bits to glue to a piece of paper.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

kindness letter

Last week we wrote kindness letters to some people. The kindness letter is about my family and the funny things we did

Paihia School

School Road

Bay of Islands

Friday 5th June

Tena koe. My name is Jack. l go to Paihia School. I’m 9 years old. I got 1 father, 1 mother, 1 sister and no brother.   

In lockdown I learned how to cook food and how to wash clothes.


Once after rain we played in the garden. My friend Nika put a crab in a bottle then put the bottle on the table. I just played on the mat and the bottle fell down on my face. Then the crab climbed to my face. 

Yours sincerely


Friday, June 5, 2020

Viruses Poster

In Te Maunga this week I learned about viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

Viruses like Coronavirus Covid-19.  Is a Microbe that can invade your body. They can make you sick. Bacteria is like long green sticks.They can help your gut to break down food. But the bacteria can make your foot smell bad or make you sick. Fungi are like fuzzy, green ,long threads- hyphae. They can be used for cooking .

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Water cycle

In Te Maunga we are  learning about the water cycle. We did some art about the water cycle .First we used the pencils to draw the mountains and rivers and clouds. Then we used the coloured pencils to colour the mountains.

Friday, March 13, 2020


Mangopare means hammerhead shark-strength. My picture is about my mom, dad, and me.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

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