My name is Jack. I go to Paihia School and I’m in Te Maunga, my teacher is Whaea Penny and Mr Ngata. I have a sister named Mia, my favourite sport is soccer and my favourite learning is maths. Here is my pepeha: Ko Pouerua toku Maunga
Ko Waitangi toku Awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua Waka
Ko Ngati Hine toku Hapu
Ko Ngapuhi toku Iwi
Ko Te Tii toku Marae
Ko Paihia toku Kura
Ko Lin toku Whanau
Ko Strong toku Papa
Ko Ella toku Mama
Ko Jack toku Ingoa
Hope you enjoin my learning.
In Te Maunga we have been doing some science experiments. We’ve learnt about how to make an experiment. One thing I liked doing was making a slideshow about your experiment. I learned that the hypothesis means guess.
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